A most clever title from CSA member Sam. You can check out more of his cleverness here. He explains how to make his favorite cabbage dishes below.
Slice head of cabbage thinly. Mix with 2.5% by weight in salt. Layer in a crock or whatever is handy (I reused a protein powder container that seemed the right aspect ratio). Smash each layer to release the juices. Lay one full leaf over the top. Put a weight on it (like a canning jar filled with water). There should be sufficient brine/juice to cover the leaf (if not, smash harder - this step is key). We mixed in a heaping tablespoon of miso paste for the innoculating fun of it. Loosely cover enough to keep bugs out. We let it sit for 2 weeks, smooshing down the cabbage once during that time. It may start tasting sauerkraut-y after 1 week ("lacto flavor"). Cabbage will continue to get sour and soft with time (in a good way). When it's ready enough, remove the invariably gross top layer and fearlessly start munching on the lacto goodness underneath. We used the "regular" cabbage for this, but you can mix in any and all greens, carrots, whatever!
We also have converted a couple heads of the CSAvoy cabbage into "quick chi": Chop coarsely. Toss with salt. Let wilt at room temp for 4-8h. Mix with a chili sauce of chili, ginger, vinegar, vegetarian fish sauce. Toss and refrigerate. It shall keep forever.
Slice head of cabbage thinly. Mix with 2.5% by weight in salt. Layer in a crock or whatever is handy (I reused a protein powder container that seemed the right aspect ratio). Smash each layer to release the juices. Lay one full leaf over the top. Put a weight on it (like a canning jar filled with water). There should be sufficient brine/juice to cover the leaf (if not, smash harder - this step is key). We mixed in a heaping tablespoon of miso paste for the innoculating fun of it. Loosely cover enough to keep bugs out. We let it sit for 2 weeks, smooshing down the cabbage once during that time. It may start tasting sauerkraut-y after 1 week ("lacto flavor"). Cabbage will continue to get sour and soft with time (in a good way). When it's ready enough, remove the invariably gross top layer and fearlessly start munching on the lacto goodness underneath. We used the "regular" cabbage for this, but you can mix in any and all greens, carrots, whatever!
We also have converted a couple heads of the CSAvoy cabbage into "quick chi": Chop coarsely. Toss with salt. Let wilt at room temp for 4-8h. Mix with a chili sauce of chili, ginger, vinegar, vegetarian fish sauce. Toss and refrigerate. It shall keep forever.
Next time anything even remotely starchy shows up from Rio Gozo, I WILL make CSAle from it!
Thanks, Sam! I have been wondering about sauerkraut and kimchi since joining the CSA in winter and confronting the cabbage every week. You make fermented cabbage sound easy AND fun. YAY!
Loving the quick chi! Thank you so much for sharing it!
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