Here's a look at the survey.
- Do you prefer French Breakfast Radish au beurre as opposed to the Chinese White Radish with butter? 9 out of 10 said Yes
- Do you prefer salted butter or French sweet cream butter with radish? 9 out of 10 prefer the latter. Salted butter is for the unsophisticated.
- Do you prefer your radish dipped whole and crudely into butter or cut into fancy french shapes such as "the rosette" and eaten with great pleasure. Surprisingly again 9 out of 10 French people would rather eat beautiful French radish with butter and with great pleasure.
- When did you start eating radish au beurre? 10 out of 10 declared not to understand the question, asked if I was "ignorant", and retorted that the French have eaten radish au beurre " even in utero" (which turns out is also a french word).
à bon radis, point d’enseigne
the reputation of a good thing precedes it
(lit.: not need to explain a good radish; what is good needs no recommendation)
A simple recipe:
French Breakfast Radish au Beurre
Grate radishes
Whip sweet cream butter in a food processor
Combine radishes with butter
Add salt to taste
Spread on fresh baguette
oooh la la, la la ...
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