Lynne Okun
Rio Gozo Farm's Ventura CSA program has an underground vibe. Members arrive on Tuesdays and Fridays to pick up their veggies at the Art Barn on 856 Thompson Ave, and they are transported into Lynne's secret garden. It is like heading into another world- walk down the driveway and squeeze through the narrow path between giant lavender and tiny apple trees, go past an outdoor bread oven toward the turquoise barn decorated by the bones of art projects scattered around and tucked in hidden places. It's fun to go there and let your eyes wander the beautiful backyard permaculture site Lynne developed with the help of friends and WOOFers through the years. You never know what you'll find, sometimes Lynne is offering Circus Yoga, hosting a Birthday Party or a free after school Kid's Arts class, enjoying a coffee tasting, or throwing a concert in the barn.
Who is this magical woman?
Lynne Okun, involved with pretty much everything, has been an active part of Ventura's community for the past 12 years. When I mention the Art Barn or Lynne's name, people know who I'm talking about- they've been to one of her events. She is a registered Art Therapist and the executive director of Kids Arts since 2001. She has been directly involved with Ventura's youth and theVentura County Rainbow Alliance.
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