Bread shares are coming this summer to Rio Gozo Farm Ventura CSA.
Finally, we found a baker who will make our organic bread and make it with Gozo, in Italian Godersi.
Meet Dina Collins of Ventura's new Brio Bakeshop. She's Italian and I found us speaking increasingly louder in her small bakeshop as we got more and more excited about our partnership. From one Italian to another- it was very comforting. I hope we didn't scare anyone else away.
Dina was born in Italy, the Puglia region, and studied at the San Francisco Baking Institute and the French Pastry School.

The bread:
We are offering a bread share of two loafs each week which will include a combination of any two of the following: italian style baguettes, ciabattas, focaccia, boules, dinner rolls, and sandwich slicers.
Enjoy the Godersi,
Support Your Local Farmer
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